Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Breakfast for Dinner

Lately, I have been eating eggs pretty much every way and for almost every meal. Tonight I decided to have eggs on my salad. I made tonight's salad with a handful of spinach, 1 tablespoon of bacon bits, 1/2 tablespoon of pecorino romano grated cheese, sauteed onions, and a fried egg. I tried to cook the egg inside the onion ring, but as you can see it didn't exactly turn out that way. Oh well, it still tasted delicious!! If you like bacon and eggs for breakfast you'll love definitely love this salad too. 

I served the salad with my favorite vinaigrette that is super simple and goes with really any salad you can imagine. I always make it whenever I don't want a salad to be overwhelmed with dressing. I really wanted to focus on the flavor of bacon and egg in this salad so this vinaigrette was the perfect choice.  To make this salad use equal parts of olive oil and lemon juice, add a pinch of pepper and salt and you're done!!  

I love when things are both simple and delicious. Don't you?

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